Installation of the “Marie, is that you?” show at > Depart Foundation in Malibu, California.
The multimedia show animates the emotions, and the peripheral, of the surfers experience, with a theme regarding the left over expectations from the exemplary 2014 Hurricane Marie.
At the entrance stands a “Portal” rock balance sculpture, typical of the experience at the cobblestone points of Southern California. Above the portal, is a swell model painting of the peak intensity graphic of Hurricane Marie, downloaded from the CDIP Monitoring and Prediction System from University of California San Diego. The piece is 60” x 48” titled “9ft @14 Seconds, 165 degrees” Enamel on artist fabricated steel panel.
Inside the first room is a 25 minute film that embodies the universal experience of checking the surf. A series of landscape portraits, slowly creep zooming out to reveal the location and conditions, just as standing checking the surf does.
On the opposing wall, the Marie “Tropical Storm Force Wind Probability Model”. 72” x 48” Enamel on steel panel
Seemingly infinitely cladding the wall is a wallpaper of the satellite image of Hurricane Marie during peak intensity, printed on vinyl and applied to the wall. A constant reminder of what once was, and we all subconsciously, or consciously, yearn for again.
Following the main room, there are 5 vignette rooms with separate installations. The first, titled “Perpetually Wet” hangs a wetsuit fountain that continuously drips.
The second vignette, another rock monolith sculpture, courtesy of Eric “rock man” Piersen.
A third vignette is the weather forecasting on a pedestal, the NOAA weather radio.
The fourth, surfboard blank outline off-cuts, with walls clad in friends and their dimensions of boards currently on order.
Last, the space where all the prior experiences, emotions and knowledge congregate, the shaping bay.